Your Best Decision

It can be difficult to explain to a potential Client what makes Interplan different from our professional colleagues. We cannot be successful if we do not enable you to be successful.

We Are Passionate

We are dedicated to our Clients and our work. We appreciate knowing that we get to do something that excites us, and enables others to thrive in their work environments.

Every Project is Unique

We listen to our Clients and understand their needs to create a Space unique to the end user and tailored to their style.

We Are Engaged

The Principals of Interplan are actively engaged in projects, bringing a high level of attention and knowledge to every aspect of a project’s development.

Interplan’s principals and senior staff are well known professionals with excellent credentials and experience contributing to innovative design, technical knowledge, and business acumen.

We are dedicated in our desire to provide the best possible work effort for our clients.

Welcome to Interplan

Interplan is a full-service commercial architecture and interior design firm based on strong RELATIONSHIPS and RESULTS. Established in 1984, Interplan is now in its third generation of architects and designers dedicated to meeting our clients’ needs. Our projects focus on the end users, dedicating time in the initial stages to understand our clients’ goals, schedule and budget. We utilize this information to create work environments, as unique as all of our clients.

Our distinctive approach to design solutions is what has led to long-term relationships with many of our clients and their referrals. We take pleasure in seeing our clients’ vision of the future come to life through design. To compliment the design, we offer an in-house furniture division, Lines Furniture, to aid in streamlining the process for our clients.

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Who We Are

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