Lines Furniture

We are fierce about our RELATIONSHIPS.

Creativity is the spark that ignites us.

We embrace OWNERSHIP and let our clients inspire us.

Long term clients grow from RESPECT.

Welcome to Lines Furniture

Established in 1990, Lines Furniture is a full service furniture dealership housed within the Interplan office. Lines Furniture supports the Interplan staff and their clients as well as out-of-house Clients and Designers.

Our mission is to meet the furniture and functional needs of our Client’s creating an inspiring environment that supports both the architectural aesthetic of the space and the work flow process of the Client. We inspire, improve and innovate your workplace environment.

Lines Furniture does not charge for design, specification and coordination time. We provide open book pricing and work closely with our numerous manufacture’s to get the best possible project pricing.

Our strength lies in the ability to work closely with designers and clients to accomplish the aesthetic and budget goals for the project. We will keep the project on track, on time and within budget constraints. Our staff works directly with over 100 contract furniture manufacturers and their regional representatives, making it possible to provide exceptional service and pricing to our clients.

List of Manufacturers